constant tension vs full range

Ok so im not talking about half reps, rather keeping constant tension on the muscle, instead of letting the muscle rest before performing another set. This should be better for hyperthropy than doing straight reps should it not? for example stopping right before touching the chest on bench and not pushing untill your arms are straight, and not going all the way up on squats, rather stopping short legs becoming straight taking the tension of the legs.

What do you guys think of this way of lifting?

Ok so im not talking about half reps, rather keeping constant tension on the muscle, instead of letting the muscle rest before performing another set. This should be better for hyperthropy than doing straight reps should it not? for example stopping right before touching the chest on bench and not pushing untill your arms are straight, and not going all the way up on squats, rather stopping short legs becoming straight taking the tension of the legs.​What do you guys think of this way of lifting?

Submitted May 25, 2019 at 07:00AM by Meyzu91


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