Mandatory Pose Wednesday - Rear Lat Spread
Welcome back to MPW!
NEXT WEEK'S POSE: Most Muscular
Welcome back to another installment! We're hitting Rear Lat Spread today.
1) First, as always, we will begin with the feet. Diagram here. The feet can be the other way too, depending whether you are stronger with your left or right side, but the general positioning remains the same. Make sure your rear foot is pointed outwards and that your knee follows in the same direction. This will allow your quad sweep to be visible from the back, and your whole lower body will appear much bigger.
2) Ball both your hands into a fist but leave the thumbs sticking out, resembling a “thumbs up” position. Reach towards the bottom rear of your rib cage with your thumbs to lock your hands in place. Next rotate your hands so that the back of the hand is facing up, and the side fist is facing front. The trick with this is to make sure your elbows do not drift too far to the front. They still need to be pointed out to the sides to create the maximum illusion of width.
3) After metaphorically "pulling your lats" around for width, you might need to play around with lean, either forward or backwards, to achieve the best illusion.
4) Don't forget to flex the hamstrings and glutes!
From /u/walril - "As with all posing, start at the feet and move up. Because the quads come into play, I like to anchor my heels, try to turn my knees out and flex the quads, along with squeezing the glutes. What this does is showcases the separation in the quads. From there I place my thumbs in the small of my back making sure my knuckled fist is at my sides and the pinky is slightly above my navel. As I bring the elbows past midline, I focus on not shrugging my shoulders While relaxing the lats. Also pushing into the sides of my body to further make my waist look smaller than it is."
What we're here for:
Critique the pose, not the poser.
Everybody is welcome to participate, this ain't 'mirin mondays so don't worry about the status of your bulk or cut. We are here to improve.
Every pose can be hit in more than one fashion.
Individual criticisms tailored to the posters physique are absolutely welcome!
Submitted February 27, 2019 at 01:15PM by BodybyYake
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