Tip for those who can't seem to get their chest to grow
Chest has always been one of my biggest point, aside from shitty genetics and a rotator cuff injury which has prevented me from doing heavy pressing, I always had difficulty getting it to grow. I tried everything, high frequency, high volume, heavy weight.
Funnily enough despite having trained for several years, I've made great progress in a few months. I think it's because it took a while to get my chest big enough to the point I could actually feel it working when I did the exercises. This leads me to my tip which is:
If you were like me, you're probably using your tricep/shoulder for the bulk of the movement and not really effectively lifting with your chest. Even though I had 'good form', I wasn't really using the muscle I was trying to train. I would suggest that if you're having a hard time developing your chest, start out doing flies and really focus on contracting your chest. Maybe doing a couple sets prior to your compound lifts will help assist the 'mind muscle connection'. After a while it becomes clear when you're using your chest to push versus your shoulder/tricep.
The other piece of advice and I really cant stress this enough, is that you're most likely not eating enough either. I always thought I was eating allot of food - because to me it was. But it wasn't enough to really see good results. In the couple of months I've really nailed down my training and diet, I've progressed significantly faster compared to when I was following a bodybuilding style diet and training but not tracking anything and just sort of guessing. Shakes with lots of carbs from oats and banana is a good addition for my fellow ectomorphs.
Submitted January 01, 2019 at 06:58AM by hesnotreal http://bit.ly/2ArLM3Z
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